Can't access the member portal (login error)

Created by Digital Publisher Support, Modified on Fri, 01 Mar 2024 at 01:33 PM by Digital Publisher Support

If you're getting an error message when logging in, these 4 troubleshooting options resolve 99% of the issues:

1. Use the "Click here to login" link from your email with the subject line "Your Jon Benson Account Portal Details"

If that doesn't work...

2. Clear your cache and try again.  

If that doesn't work...

3. Try using a different browser or open a new tab "Incognito"

If that doesn't work...

4. Restart your computer.

And if that doesn't work, congratulations, you're among the unique 1% that needs a bit more digging.

Send an email to

The more details you provide, the faster we can troubleshoot so you can start putting the program to use.

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